Kilo with Kapalili Journal

We as kānaka, or people, have a kuleana to serve and to care well for the ʻāina we are given to steward. It is both a responsibility and a privilege. In order to mālama (care for) anyone well, a relationship must be cultivated. Through kilo, or observations, and by spending time caring for and cultivating ʻāina, we learn better what it needs. 

As we learn from Papakū Makawalu, kilo is to observe with our whole selves using all of our senses. Kilo is the foundation for understanding, knowing, acknowledging, becoming involved with the systems of this natural world.

Papakū Makawalu organizes our environment into three areas.

Join Kumu Dani as we kilo our space here at Kapalai. Be sure to download our kilo journal (available in English & Hawaiian) and start to kilo your space today. It is amazing what we can learn when we stop and observe for a moment.
