
Education Program

kupuohi vi. to flourish, grow vigorously, mature early, as an adolescent

Our K-12 ʻāina-based education program targets both public and charter schools that enroll underserved students. The multiple-visit education program provides opportunities for students to flourish by connecting to the land and Hawaiian culture through kalo cultivation and the teaching of Native Hawaiian values. Our curriculum aligns with the Office of Hawaiian Education's Nā Hopena Aʻo standards. We provide resources, lessons, and curricular support to teachers, partner with them on events and lessons, and host students, families, and faculty in the loʻi.

a multi-visit experience: sequential lessons

Our multi-visit education program is designed to offer 4 visits throughout the year with additional opportunities to include families. Each quarterly visit focuses on a Hawaiian values based theme and offers a standards aligned lesson with a hands-on activity allowing students to reflect on lessons while experiencing various aspects of kalo cultivation. The program aims to support the flourishing of our haumāna (students) through deep connection with ʻāina (land), themselves, their kumu (teachers), and their ʻohana (family).


Kupuohi lessons infographic.pdf